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Looking for local Plasterers in Weymouth And Portland Dorset?

We have a large network of UK Plasterers covering the following areas;

Weymouth and Portland, unparished area

Findatradesman is FAST and FREE!

How does it work?

1. Answer some simple questions about the work you want done (the more detail you can give the better).
2. We will then contact as many local plasterers as we can with your requirements.
3. Tradesmen who are genuinely interested will contact you with a competive quote.


Replastering a wall or ceiling is the most effective way to change the appearance and ensure a smooth, attractive finish. Once dry, plaster can be painted, wallpapered or tiled over easily. With a specialist plasterer, all the cracks, dents and bumps will be removed.

So compare quotes from up to four plasterers in your area and get the best price for the work you want done by completing our quick form below.

* Required Fields. Your privacy is important to us. By submitting this form, you'll be contacted by up to 4 suppliers as shown in our Privacy Policy.

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tick You compare quotes and choose the best pro for your job.